Missing Layers in after effects render

Hi everyone,
I’m new to this format and plugin. I have a client asking for lottie render of any animation I did with shape layers. When I render it out I’m missing two layers. I’ve turned on render hidden and guide layers even though neither are that.
The pink layers here are the ones not showing up. I’ve tried without the matte and it still doesn’t render either of them.

Any ideas?

I’m not overly optimistic here, but you might just try putting your matte layer "12"directly above “11”.
If I remember correctly, matte layers need to be used like earlier versions of AE.

Hello Scott3, I’m having the same issue and I finally fixed it! I hope you fix it too

When you do masking, make sure that you duplicate the mask layer for every single layer you want to be masked, Ex:
Lets say you have 3 Layers (Layer 1, Layer 2, Mask Layer) and you want the (Layer 1 & Layer 2) to be masked by the “Mask Layer” you have to make two copies of the “Mask Layer”, one for the “Layer 1” and the other one for “Layer 2”.

Hopefully that will be exported fine with no issues!