AE Plugin - I can't get it to work

Hi all, I’l just trying to understant what I get wrong because I can’t get it the plugin to work. I’ve installed and I log into correctly but when I create a new composition to make some test I can’t see anything in the pannel to export! What am I doing wrong?


@ariccardi Could you try installing the ZXP from LottieFiles for After Effects

Also provide us the following information: Operating System, Adobe AE version

July 2022. I get the same problem. I installed LottieFiles extension to both Adobe After Effects and Adobe Animate on my Mac. I get a “blank” animation after Lottie “renders”. I have posted a separate thread with screen shots of my problem. It sounds like it is the same as yours…

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similar problem here:
on Windows. Installed plug-in with creative cloud, can open and log-in in After Effects, but than it just shows an empty window inside After Effects.

there are some possible problems here from what i already experience about lottie does not work.

  1. Enable "Allow writing…network watever (i can not remember) on AE general preference.
  2. Disable image compression on Asset option.
  3. im using 2018 and everything work fine. upgrade when you still below 2018.
    My own last problem with lottie is it can not export animation to just one json file. any help ?

I couldn’t open the Lottie extension in AE, Lottie asked for an update to v3.1.1
When I downloaded it I couldn’t install it via ZXPInstaller (adobe) nor ZXP Installer (ae plugins).
ZXP Installer even says that there’s no program on my machine which can use the Lottie extension.
Any of you experiencing similar issues?

AE version - 2023
Windows - 10

Did you try to install the lottie plugin via the Adobe Exchange?