Hey @ghiffary29071 Did you set After Effects to allow plug ins to read/write?
- In After Effects, go to Preferences > Scripting & Expressions.
- Under Application Scripting, select Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network.
- Close and re-open After Effects.
Hi, can you also try to launch AE with Admin access?
Hey @irbypace I have Allow Scripts to Write Files and Access Network selected (it’s checked) but Lottie still won’t open. Any suggestions? Thank you so much for any help!
Hey @arjit27singh this is a pretty good thread too that covers a bunch of the issues. If you’re on PC this is a workaround:
Thread: Don't work lottie extension AE - #63 by christie_shin
Install ZXP file manually.
- rename your .zxp file to .zip
- unzip the zip file
- drag that unzipped folder into the folder (on PC)
C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Adobe\CEP\extensions\ - Create a registry entry “PlayerDebugMode” with String value 1 in
(To create and modify registry entries you can search for the program “regedit” in the windows menu)
I had the same problem. in my case the installation language was the problem. I have installed aftereffects in german. After uninstalling and reinstalling in english it works
I am also having the same error in German language.
Hi @syadavswati123 can you please share a screenshot to see what’s happening when you’re launching the plugin? Also, can I know what is your:
- AE version & language
- Plugin version