Lottie files not working on Wix

I’m using Wix Premium. The default files work nicely if we paste any new links (embed code) it shows a static frame or default dots animation on Wix. I tried using different Lottie files, but they show the same issue. I even tried creating new Lottie files and using the new links.

The default Lottie animation on Wix starts with

while the files we create show the URL starts with

I am not sure if this is the issue causing the Lottie Animation, but I tried all necessary steps, its not working, HTML embed works but has its own issues while loading the files.

Hi @Swapnil

I just tested adding a Lottie animation using this asset link: https://lottie.host/9041c886-5a91-4dcc-b714-cd0793cea499/P6TBmQ9nvi.json, and it works fine.

Could you please provide the steps to reproduce the issue and a screenshot of the error?