Asset URL (Lottie Animation URL):

I had a little problem that I just faced and was curious to ask about it from the experts. When you open any animation and it shows the preview. On the right, there is a heading " Lottie Animation URL ", as you can see in the image. The problem here is, normally the asset link is in .json format that I need, but this time, it was in dotlottie format so, does this also works? or there is something behind it? Can I still use this link and will work the same way as the previous link would?

Hi there

Dotlottie is a format. Super duper smaller in size compared to json. And yes, you could still use the link for your projects.

Read more about DotLottie
Performance difference of dotlottie here Introducing dotLottie: a new file format - LottieFiles

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Thanks alot for your reply it was helpful!

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i no longer can find a place where to copy the URL , can you help please :

@Alaa to generate the URL, please follow the below steps;

  1. Save the animation to your preferred workspace.
  2. Once done, it will redirect you to the animation
  3. Enable the asset link
  4. You will be able to get your code.

hey how do I enable the asset link I can’t find it, nvm found it