Website not showing Dot Lottie download

After uploading my animations from After Effects to my workspace normally I would download the .json and .lottie files from the website as I found this to be the most stable way of doing things
But for some reason .lottie is not showing up for me… is this new? or some kinda bug? or have I done something wrong when uploading from After Effects?.. Im not sure what else I can do… can download the .lottie file from AE but
Can’t share file as I am NDA for this project

Hi @Joe

I’ve just tested from my end by uploading a new file, and the DotLottie file is available for download. It’s difficult for us to investigate further without the file itself.

Could you please try re-uploading the file or attempt to upload a different file to see if the same issue persists?

Hi, i t happens to me too. I tried to download from my older projects. and it seems like the option to download dotLottie is disappear. any solutions?

Hi @Ivan
Could you please send us an email to and provide the following information:

  1. account email ID
  2. Screen record to reproduce the issue
  3. Sample files

Hello, it’s happening to me as well