Hi, everyone.
I’m new to Lottie and the Bodymovin extension.
I’m trying to design a basic logo animation, but when i try to export it from the Bodymovin extension, my preview will appear as a white screen. The animation i just created won’t appear, just a white screen. If i still export that, my Lottie preview on the testing website, will still appear as a white screen instead of my actual animation.
Can someone help, please. Thanks in regard.
Apparently you don’t want a white screen.)
What your animation looks like ? you use vector shapes ?
Hi, Thomas! Thank you for answering.
No, i don’t want a white screen cause it’s a whole animation i created.
I did used vector shapes i imported from Illustrator.
Ok, do you use any ae effects ?
You mean, an AI file imported into After Effect and created a vector shape from it, right? If it’s not then the animation won’t export as JSON.
And as you said in the question description, if you’re new to Lottie animation, then you probably should go through this.