I´ve an issue about render out an animation from After Effects.
As i finished my simple animation in after effects i was going to Bodymovin, checked the box to select the composition then made the setup and the setup to browse where the file should be on my computer and then i hit render. The rendering is instantly finished and i hit done.
So i looked at the json file and it is only 2kb.
As i opened it on the Lottiefiles.com i see only one frame of the animation but is running through all 100 frames.
So it would be very nice to have a solution from the community. Thank you! 
Kind regards
Can you provide some more details on the setup of your file? Maybe the timeline or something? Did you just try exporting with the Lottie plugin?
I build an solid, then a mask on solid, then second mask and made it litlle bitt smaller an dsubtract it.
Then made a radial translation and then animated the graphic.
timeline is 100 frames long. 500 x 500 px with and heigth.
I´d tried export with lottie and bodymovin.
Radial Transition won’t work with the lottie format. Pretty much any effect that requires “effect controls” is incompatible.
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A very calm and professional response there.
I’m encountering an issue with Bodymovin where clicking on the three dots of the composition doesn’t display the output location for rendering JSON. How can I resolve this problem?
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Hello, @UmerHafeez
Sometimes I have this issue too. Here is what helps me

- Click on the bodymovin’s plugin title - this should cause appearing “Save as” window
- Click on the tile of the “Save as” window and WITHOUT RELEASING move it a little.
This procedure may be requiered after any asction in this window.
Thank you for your help. I tried this method, but it didn’t help me. Still facing same issue.
I hope you tried everything including resizing bodymovin plugin window since “Save as” one really disappears and is not just hidden.

Also on Windows when bodymovin window is out of focus the position of “Save as” window can be detected by pressing Alt+Space → Move.
@bottermannvisuals did you find a solution? I am facing the same problem