For users facing PNGIO issues, it’s an issue with Adobe AE from version 22.0.1 onwards. The workaround for now is to downgrade After Effects to 22.0.1. Adobe will update this post when a fix for their render queue is available.
For those who’ve been getting the PNGIO error while rendering (AE v22.0.1 onwards), we have a settings fix that would help without downgrading your AE version!
Go to File > Project Settings
Go to Color > on the Working Space dropdown select Apple RGB
This has been tested internally and it should work with our AE plugin v1.2.0 you can download it here:
It’s not officially released yet, please feel free to test it out and we would love to hear some feedback before we officially roll it out. Many thanks!
As I’ve noticed that problem occurs when you try to render ACES or other color space file into an SRGB project. Change the Working Space to “none” into Project Settings and that should solve the issue.