The animation ran very slowly on the iPad Pro

Hey everyone!
i have an issue about my animation on my wix website
the animation ran great on desktop and mobile, but on my ipad pro its ran very slowly
i test everything on Chrome and Safari as well

i must to say that my animation isnt heavy at all


my website (rightnow its only desktop responsive)

when i found lottiefiles i just know that a game changer for me
but to work with this with clients i must to fix this issue

I would appreciate your help as soon as possible, thanks everyone!

Even though your animation file isn’t large, the complexity of the animation can also affect performance. Try simplifying the animation if possible. Having too many animations on one page can cause performance issues. Consider reducing the number of effects and elements on your page. Ensure that your content is placed within the vertical gridlines in the Wix Editor. This can affect how content is loaded and displayed on different devices.

[quote=“Hezi florida blue careers, post:1, topic:5220, full:true”]
Hey everyone!
i have an issue about my animation on my wix website
the animation ran great on desktop and mobile, but on my ipad pro its ran very slowly
i test everything on Chrome and Safari as well

i must to say that my animation isnt heavy at all


my website (rightnow its only desktop responsive)

when i found lottiefiles i just know that a game changer for me
but to work with this with clients i must to fix this issue

I would appreciate your help as soon as possible, thanks everyone!

Hello, @Hezi

Thanks for creating this post I was facing the same issue as you but today my problem is solved. Once again thank you.

Best Regard,