Mask problem when convert AE to Lottie

Hi, can I ask help for this masks issue for Lottie.

  1. For the layer named “Third_a”, I used the Set Matte effect with BG2 which is the whole round shape to control the bottom of pink bar columns. It looks fine in the AE, but this mask doesn’t work for the Lottie file when I export.

2)Maybe it is a AE problem, I want do the same Set Matte effect for the component named “First_animation” with the green line, but it doesn’t work, I try to do it inside this pre-component, but it also doesn’t work , I guess because the displacement doesn’t happen inside the component.

Thank you in advance.

yes you can ask for help here .)

Set Matte is an effect not supported by lottie,
use alpha matte instead, it should solve your case