Lottiefiles extension loading in after efeects

My lottiefiles is properly installed in after effects through anastasiy plugin but after clicking login it is just loading nothing is happening. Can anyone be able to help me on this?

Hi @anantchand
Please ensure your browser pop-up blocker is enabled. When you click login on the extension, it will route you to a web browser to grant access.
If the issue persists, drop an email to support@lottiefiles.com with the following details ;

  1. The After Effects version you’re using.
  2. The exact operating system you’re using (e.g. mac OS Catalina, version 10.15.6)
  3. Language of the plugin
  4. Language of the os
  5. A screenshot of what is or isn’t happening with the plugin within AE (sometimes getting a clear visual can be really helpful).