Hi everyone,
i’m experimenting with lottie and used the figma plugin to upload my lottie animation into my futur client website.
In order to get an animated preview in figma i choose to convert my lottie animation into a GIF and here come’s the problem.
My animation is supposed to have a transparent background and when i export the GIF, he is transparent but has poor quality.
Link to the lottie file : https://lottiefiles.com/share/ngwa838d
Gif export : https://www.figma.com/proto/ty3LQXpTD3YpJn5qUbawF5/Untitled?node-id=0%3A3&scaling=scale-down
Can someone help me figure this out ? I didn’t saw any post about transparent background lottie animation on the forum.
Thank you very much !