Lottie files in Premiere Pro

Please Guide me that how to import lottie files in Premiere Pro.
if it possible then please provide me a solution

Lotties (in my testing) are not a supported format, but you could make an Mogrt Template and use them in that. You have to build the MOGRT in After Effects.

Hello! I accomplished this by first converting the Lottie JSON to an After Effects composition using this plug-in: Bodymovin - Lottie - aescripts + aeplugins - aescripts.com

After that, you are able to edit the animation completely, if needed. You can export a transparent video file or (even better) export to a Essential Graphic…

When exporting to an essential graphic, you need to specify at least one editable element so I usually just do opacity.

If you are not sure how to export an Essential Graphic from AE to PR, they have some short toturials on Youtube.

You can use tools like Bodymovin to export your Lottie animation as a video format (e.g., MP4) or image sequence (PNG or JPEG sequence). And import the exported video or image sequence into Premiere Pro like you would with any other video or image asset.