Lottie 60fps is way faster than After Effects 60fps composition preview

Hi guys,

My Lottie files after rendering are faster (double or more) than what I see in my After Effects preview. My comp is 60fps. I am using Bodymovin 5.9.6.

I used the previous version of Bodymovin and the same workflow (60fps comp rendered via plugin) some months ago, and everything was fine. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance.

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Hey, I have the same problem with u, have u get the solved it? Can someone help us :). Thanks for your attention

Hi @radoslaw.blonski and/or @atikaumaya, did you manage to figure this out perchance? I’ve just run in to the same problem. Thanks in advance!

@Cole_Holyoake Are you using Bodymovin or the LottieFiles for AE plugin?

If you are using the LottieFiles plugin for After Effects, could you please send an email to support@lottiefiles.com and include the following details:

  • Version of Adobe After Effects you are using
  • Version of the LottieFiles plugin
  • The .aep file related to the issue
  • Your operating system (OS) version

Providing this information will allow our team to conduct a thorough investigation. Thank you for your cooperation!

Thanks for jumping in on the issue @haleeza - I am using the AE extension Bodymovin