Hi everyone!!! Back to animation and trying Lottie, which is greaaaaaaatttt… though facing an issue already…
when watching my animation with the LottieFiles plugin I can see that there is pixels below the button when the purple shape should fit the whole size…Th enaimtoin is quite small actually 215x40 pixels… any idea??
I have run into this when I use different comps. Sometimes the size of the comp is not the same size as the main one where I see everything running together. Its not until I process the animation thru Lottie that any noticeable clipping occurs (usually my case, not the opposite).
Hi Carolyn and thank you for your help… I checked and tried again but I have still the same white clipping on the bottom of the screen when looking at the Lottie preview window.
Composition is 400px x 100px,red rectangle is the same size without border… I don’r know what I missed ahere…
Hmmm, you’ve got some stroke widths and things going on. Have you tried taking them down to 0? Also the rectangle path width says 440, though I don’t think that is the problem (unless your comp size is 400, in which case, make them the same and see if that helps).
Ok, I think I figured it out. Its Just the Lottie preview. I recreated it and saw the same thing. but then I pushed it to Lottie and then got the QR code and viewed it on my phone via the app. If you tap the border button, you will see a border around exactly your rounded rectangle, no weird padding on the bottom.
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Hey Carolyn,
Well done!!! it does work indeed!!! thanks for the quick help