I posted a lottie animation on my website using the HTML code / script. How do you remove the progress bar underneath the animation? Would love for just a clean look on my website, versus having the bar appear below the animation.
Hey Craig!
Not sure if you might have already done this but when you use the Lottie Web-Player on LottieFiles, if you deselect ‘Controls’ this should remove those pesky bars from beneath your Lottie animations
Let me know if this works for you
So simple…and yet, I would have never known this. THANK YOU so much for responding. You made a huge difference just by doing so.
You can also do it manually from your HTML file by removing the ‘controls’ word from the tag
<lottie-player src=<YOUR URL> background="transparent" speed="1" loop controls autoplay></lottie-player>
To remove the progress bar from your Lottie animation, set background: none for the animation container and disable rendererSettings: {progressBar: false} in your Lottie configuration script. This ensures a clean look on your website without the progress bar appearing below the animation.