since a couple of week changing a color in a lottie file results only in the animation not being shown at all.
Is the lottie file web editor broken ?
Try to change blue to something else.
since a couple of week changing a color in a lottie file results only in the animation not being shown at all.
Is the lottie file web editor broken ?
Try to change blue to something else.
Hi, I have the same problem.
Nothing else ?
@benjamin I tried to change the color with the example and you’re right but my animation color can be changed easily in Lottie Editor. I think the issue may be in AE comp or layers.
Try changing color here of animation:https://edit.lottiefiles.com/?src=https://assets5.lottiefiles.com/private_files/lf30_8jnkea.json
I have the same problem and the editor keeps crashing.
I have the same problem. Please see the console here:
Same Here…
Has anyone been able to solve this problem?
Hi @obabuba can you please share the link of the animation you’re trying to change the color?
same problem here
Can’t change colors on the animations either
You can do it with Charlottie if you have some Apple device.
i spent 15 minutes but didn’t figure out how to change the text color … and as a result the app crashed
Yes, unfortunately, it is currently impossible to change the text color. I think I will add this feature in the upcoming releases.
Its Not about text even changing layer color App crashes Something messed up with new Editor
I have the same problem, when I use the editor and change the colour the animation doesn’t appear at all on iOS. works fine on Android. I don’t see any issues using the feature and support checker.
Hi @amin_jodeyri can you share the link (allow download) of your lottie animation? It is only happen to the particular lottie animation?
Hi Lay, I have tried many different animations. as soon as I go to editor and make changes stops working on iOS. the default works fine. Includes changes to canvas size, colours etc.
HI @amin_jodeyri, could you please create a support ticket https://help.lottiefiles.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and re-share the link with permission to download or attach your json file? Thanks.