Is it possible to use lottiefiles in an app made in unity?

Hey there,

we’re building an app in unity for years now and I would like to save some space and also add nice UI Animations to it with lottie. Sadly i can’t find anything on using lottiefiles with unity. Somebody got insights on that?
Thank you :slight_smile:

I found this response in my research about Unity and Lottie. Maybe this will help… here’s a direct link too: GitHub - leetful/u.movin: Unity library for rendering After Effects shape animations

Umovin (GitHub - leetful/u.movin: Unity library for rendering After Effects shape animations) is a Lottie style framework for Unity! Personally, I’ve had trouble with it, but perhaps it will work well for you.

“Inspired by Lottie frameworks that take animation data from After Effects to create animated vector sequences for web/mobile. With the help of the Vector Graphics package, this library aims to bring the same and more to Unity.”

Also this is a Unity store asset for taking After Effect animations into Unity: