Getting a .lottie file into an HTML page?

Hi everybody,

First off, the banner setting in the After Effects Bodymovin plugin is not working for me. The JSON file doesn’t play and the HTML file is blank. So, skip that. I figure I’ll just copy/paste and embed it raw myself somehow.

Besides, I’m making banners that are under 150k. I really need to be importing Lottie files if possible, not JSON. So I’m looking to this tag JS load. It’s only 2k? Sweet! This is definitely doable.

So I’m online looking for examples. I’m finding all these pages/articles talking about lottie player, but they’re loading JSON files.

Is there anywhere out there with just a plain simple standalone demonstration of a .lottie file being loaded into HTML tagging using the player tag? I’m finding Github threads discussing malicious hacks but not basic demo of this. ???

Thanks for reading. :slight_smile:

Hey Max, I’m curious about the problems your encountering with Banners in AE / Bodymovin. I’ve never had any problems with that. Can you send a screen shot of your export settings / project?
Welcome to the community!

Hey Bart! Thanks, great to hear from you. You know it’s remarkable, upon putting together some screengrabs, deleting old rendered files in the test folder, and running the Demo and Banner settings again…it works! I have no idea what happened or why it wasn’t working before when it was spitting out a blank HTML file.

Between then and now I did restart my laptop, but that’s all I have to go on. Thrilled it works now though. I’m going to try and do all my display work in AE from now on. Animate’s timeline in recent versions has become too difficult to use so I’m thrilled to be able to spend more time with this now that it works.

Thanks again for reaching out. I hope things are well with you!


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Great to hear you got it back up and running normal, and I think you’ll really like the display workflow in AE. So many untapped opportunities mixing vector with bitmap. Hopefully we’ll have some new work for you soon!

Sounds good, thanks for reaching out! Have a good one, Bart! :slight_smile: