Animation does not load initially (without scrolling)

I am implementing a lottie animation in a website’s homepage, such that when a user opens the homepage, the animation loads (I rendered it as an image sequence through BodyMovin) & basically what animation comprises of is a phone outline with an animation taking place inside the phone. When the user scrolls the website, that section is stuck until the animation is finished (the phone doesn’t scroll until the animation inside it has finished scrolling). So the main issue I’m facing here is that the animation doesn’t get displayed until a user scroll’s a little bit whereas the first frame of the animation should be already visible without scrolling. Can anyone help me with what possibly is going wrong here?
Thanks in advance. #bodymovin #lottie-in-web

Hi Sameer, I am having a similar issue with a clients website that i create some Lottie animations for. Were you ever able to solve this problem? Would love to know what steps you took if so. Thanks Sameer!
