Uploaded Animation from WebM - "Data Retrieve Failed"

Hi I’m trying to create a Lottie animation through my dashboard by uploading a WebM video file. It takes a few minutes giving me the message of “working on converting the file” and then fails with the “Data Retrieve Failed” message. I don’t understand why as in the dialogue box it states a WebM file can be selected to convert and when I open my WebM file in the browser it is functioning properly.

I would love some help understanding why I may be getting this error message. I am using the WebM file as it is going to get me the smallest file size possible and help with loading times on the site and I can’t get anything else under the 10mb file size threshold without compressing the video so much that the quality suffers terribly, even converting a PNG sequence the quality is too low.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Michael5

Thank you for contacting us about this issue.

We are aware of this and want to assure you that our team is currently working on a solution to resolve this.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let us know.

Hi @Michael5

Good news, the issue has been fixed!

Please try again now and let us know if you encounter any further issues or if there’s anything else we can assist you with. Thank you for your patience!

Hi @haleeza

It is working but unfortunately when it’s converts the file it seems to ignore the alpha channel and adds a black background to the animation. I’ve double-checked the webm files and they do indeed have alpha channels. I won’t be able to use it for my use case if the alpha channel is removed and the black background is added. Is there anyway to avoid this behavior?

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@Michael5 could you please share the sample of the webm files with alpha channels to me so we can investigate this further? You can email to support@lottiefiles.com and will look into this further. Thank you for your cooperation.

Ensure your WebM file meets conversion criteria. Check for any platform-specific limitations or issues. Contact support for assistance if problem persists.

Hi @haleeza I have the same issue, lottiefile add a black background to the animation. If there is a way to make it work, I will be happy to know it :slight_smile:
Thank you!