Stroke Options in Lottie Creator

I created a shape with a stroke around it on Lottie Creator. It looks like the stroke is centered, but I was wondering if there was an ability to have the stroke outside or inside the stroke path.

Thanks in advance!

Hello, @Jocelyn_L

I’m facing the same issue with Lottie Creator! I’ve noticed the stroke is always centered, and it would be great to have the option to position it either inside or outside the path. This would really help in fine-tuning the designs. If anyone knows a workaround or if this feature is on the roadmap, I’d love to hear about it!

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,

Hi @Jocelyn_L @Samuel2

Thanks for your bringing this to our attention! We’re currently working on adding this feature and just need a bit more time to get it right. We’ll keep you updated on our progress!