Hello everyone. I am trying to get playSegments to work as it is supposed to. I want to play the first segment [77,30] 3 times and then at the end the segment [30,0]. In the docs it tells me to simple put in the segments i want to play into the function but that doesnt work at all. What does work is if i leave the function empty or put something in it doesnt really matter and then specify a segments prop on the Lottie Component. The only issue is it will play all segments and not only the ones i want. What am i missing here? This is my code.
import Lottie from "react-lottie";
import peakingCat from "../../../public/assets/animations/peakingCat.json";
import { memo, useEffect } from "react";
const defaultOptions = {
loop: false,
autoplay: true,
animationData: peakingCat,
function PeakingCat({ lottieRef, size = 400 }) {
useEffect(() => {
if (!lottieRef.current) return;
let duration = 5000;
let timesPlayed = 0;
// Wait for the segment to finish
const animationLoop = setInterval(() => {
// Play the second segment
lottieRef.current.playSegments([77, 30], true);
duration = Math.floor(Math.random() * 7 + 2) * 1000;
if (timesPlayed === 3) {
lottieRef.current.playSegments([30, 0], true);
}, duration);
return () => clearInterval(animationLoop);
}, [lottieRef]);
return (
cursor: "default",
zIndex: "0",
[77, 30],
[30, 0],
export default memo(PeakingCat);