Hi everbody,
So i created a Website with some Lottie animations and for the most parts it works perfectly. But I have a problem with the playSegment command which is triggered onload for the Main Hero Animation and the hamburger menu.
Sometimes (!) if I load the site the animation starts but doesn’t stop at the endframe.
Here I load the animation:
heroMain = document.getElementById('bodymovin');
let animHero = bodymovin.loadAnimation({
container: heroMain,
renderer: 'svg',
loop: false,
autoplay: true,
path: "https://assets3.lottiefiles.com/packages/lf20_1puayea0.json",
rendererSettings: {
progressiveLoad: false,
preserveAspectRatio: 'xMidYMid slice'
and here i execute it:
$(document).ready(function () {
animHero.playSegments([30, 300], true);
This occures also for the hamburger navigation, when you scroll down and reload the website.
I’m super confused since I don’t get an errormessage nor does it happen every time…
Do you have an Idea, whats happening here?
Best regards