Lottie not consistent in safari

I’m using lotties in a wordpress site that is built with elementor and the animentor plug-in and I’m having problems with the animation showing(it appears as en element in the dom so it is being rendered?). The file for desktop and tablet (using different files because of layout change) will appear when screen is reloaded with element in the viewport and will play on scroll (as desired).

The problems come when the screen is resized or when the file leaves the viewport and then re enters. In either of these instances the file either loses layers or is gone completely.

Frustratingly the lottie for mobile layout and the lottie at the top are working but they aren’t as nested (due to layout requirments) as the others. Any and all advice is appreciated. Here’s a link to view: http://app-mba.rgubdr27a6-rz83y7k0p3d7.p.runcloud.link