Hi, wanting to use the delay action mentioned on the how-to page:
- ‘delay: [time in milliseconds]’: Will delay all interactions and playback of the animation until the delay is finished.
- ‘speed: [integer]’: Set the speed of the animation, 1 being the default speed.
Not sure what I’m doing wrong or missing?
I can affect the speed using speed=“0.1” in the html within the element, but not as an action in the JS. Delay doesn’t seem to work for me in either HTML or JS.
<lottie-player id="box3" src="https://assets9.lottiefiles.com/private_files/lf30_c4qw34g9.json" style="width: 300px; height: 300px;" speed="0.1" delay="3000"></lottie-player>
actions: [
type: "click",
forceFlag: false,
speed: 5,
delay: 3000
Here’s a codepen to demonstrate (both lottie-player and lottie-interactivity loaded in settings>JS>add external scripts)