How to make lottie menu become clickable

Hi! I’ve made a menu in ae

and would like to make it open on hover and be clicked on click on my wordpress site with lottie plugin. Is it possible at all ?

Hi, did you find an answer for this?

@design3 @idon331

I think, something like this

  1. Find exactly where your button is in the html document
    (use Inspect Element in Chrome, Safari, or Firefox);

  2. Define the button in the html as an element in JS. I have used Document Object Model to do this. Example:
    var lottie = document.getElementById(‘lottie’);
    var button1 = lottie.childNodes[0].childNodes[1].childNodes[2];

  3. Create the function which will describe what happens when you click on the button.
    And change the animation frame in this function. 50 - number of the frame.

    button2.onclick = function() {
    anim.goToAndPlay(50, true);

    Also if you need, there is goToAndStop function. It sets the frame and stops.

  4. Add a hover effect using JS

  5. Also it needs to stop the animation when it reach a particular frame but I don’t know yet how to do this and I’m thinking about it