How to achieve CC Bend type effect in Lottie

Hey all,

I know that it may seem a very abvious thing to most designers but im a budding novice. Im a developer also trying to learn design. Currently im struggling with creating a swaying in the wind type effect on leafs ive made :smiley:

I know that the CC Bend effect in After Effects creates the desired result I want. This however isnt something that exports since the only supported effects for Lottie are:

  • Drop Shadow
  • Fill
  • Pro Levels or Levels (Individual Controls)
  • Tint
  • Tritone
  • Stroke (partially)
  • Gaussian BLur

Has anyone come across a way to achieve the same type of effect without using CC Bend. Or knows of a good way to attempt it?

My bendy leaves would be very grarteful :wind_face: :fallen_leaf:

You can try these to get such result;

  1. Paid or free expression
  2. The hard way to get such effect is, use the “path” of each leaf and change its shape with keyframes,

Where can I find such expressions? Is it possible to modify paths with expressions?

To concur with vijaypwr61, the hard way is the solution I often choose.
You can apply the Bend effect to a “source animation” and rotoscope a shape layer to match. Think of it as traditional 2D animation. Be careful about path interpolation between frames, I often break the shape layers out to single frame increments.


Wow, thanks, bart! That’s such a simple, yet awesome idea!

Aside from that, I think that this type of effect is supported in Rive, so it might be a better fit for this type of project.

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When you’re done, share the final result!

Hey, I have just faced this issue and I was wondering if can we export the comp with cc bend it into a gif, and convert that gif into Lottie? will it be a good approach to delivering lotties to clients?

Thanks for provide the menu. It helped me a lot.